Math Superstars

Math Superstars is hosted by the MSMS Mu Alpha Theta mathematics honor society and was conceived of my MSMS math instructor and Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching winner, Lauren Zarandona. The intent is to get elementary aged students across the state excited about and engaged in mathematics. Throughout the early fall, MSMS Mu Alpha Theta students coordinate and facilitate classroom-based math competitions for participating schools. The elementary students who rank the highest among their peers are then invited to come to MSMS to participate in the Math Superstars competition, typically in mid-October. Each year, more than 100 first through fifth graders visit MSMS to compete in this incredible event. In addition to the experience and exposure gained by the students themselves, MSMS provides training for interested teachers on how to incorporate higher order thinking into their classroom models and how to challenge students to stimulate increased interest in mathematics learning.
This year, MSMS is hosting a virtual Math All-Stars program! To learn more and register, click here.