Legislative Engagement

As Mississippi continues to establish itself as a national leader in industrial and high-tech economic development, the need for engineers and other specialized professions increases. MSMS is poised to help the state meet that need; unfortunately, due to a decade of stagnant funding coupled by recent budget cuts, we are only able to serve two-thirds of our student capacity and are currently unable to offer a full array of specialized programs in emerging STEM fields such as engineering.
MSMS has been named the 6th best public high school in the U.S. for the past two years, and the MSMS faculty was ranked the top public school faculty in the country for the third year in a row. This level of excellence is a testament to the talent residing in our state and requires a committed investment for the state of Mississippi to reap the full benefits. This national ranking proves Mississippi students are competitive with others from top schools across the country when provided with exceptional programming, highly skilled teachers, and adequate support such as those at MSMS. Successes like these national recognitions, record numbers of students scoring in the top 2% nationally on the ACT, and several students annually named National Merit Semifinalists inspire us to advocate for this special school that is impacting the future of our great state.
As you may know, MSMS does not receive local funding, and state funding shortfalls have created needs for our school. We work with constituent groups to tell our MSMS story and raise awareness of our school priorities. You can help us tell our story to ensure continued support from our state legislature.
Take action
- Contact your state legislators to show support for MSMS. Not sure who your legislator is or how to contact them? Go to openstates.org, enter your address, and identify your individual state senator and representative. Contact information is included. You can mail a letter, send an email, or call their office. Our legislators need to hear from their constituents.
- Attend MSMS Capitol Day. Each year, MSMS takes a group of students, staff, and alums to the Capitol to meet with legislators during their session. Join us that day as we tell our MSMS story to key decision makers in our state.
MSMS' Value to Mississippi
- Enhances collective prosperity. MSMS provides innovative residential learning experiences and leadership development, so that gifted and talented students reach their potential and overall state prosperity is expanded.
- Ensures the future economy. Through forward-thinking STEM programs, such as its Engineering and Entrepreneurship Programs, MSMS is building a pipeline for the state’s top students to meet the workforce needs of tomorrow.
- Promotes opportunity regardless of zip code. By generating high-quality teacher development and outreach programs, MSMS improves STEM interest among elementary, middle, and high school students across the state.
MSMS Priorities
- Facilities and Equipment. Currently, MSMS has several buildings in need of renovation or replacement, including the residence halls, labs, instructional buildings, and performing arts center.
- Outreach. MSMS serves students across the state with STEM-based learning experiences, such as distance education, summer enrichment camp, middle school science bowl, math tournament, and science carnival.
- Increase enrollment. MSMS has the capacity for 300 students, but we currently have funding to support only 240 students.