
The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science is proud to offer over 50 unique clubs and organizations, tailored to individual student interests and abilities. Students are encouraged to create new clubs based on their interests by following the appropriate process with the Student Government Association. Additionally, students have the opportunity for leadership development through elected positions as Class and Club Officers.
Because all clubs at MSMS are student-led, with faculty sponsors, students have a unique opportunity to shape the activities their clubs and organizations engage in during their two years at MSMS.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of academic and special interest competitions. Some examples include Quiz Bowl, Science Bowl, International Science Fair, Poetry Out Loud, Welty Creative Writing Competition, Scholastic Art and Writing Competition, and Robotics FIRST. These are just a handful of the competitions MSMS students participate in year after year. Students are encouraged to seek out academic competitions tailored to their unique interests.
Art Club is a space for any MSMS student seeking an opportunity for self-expression. We hope art club provides time for students to slow down and embrace creativity in the middle of a hectic week. Meetings will consists of free time to create as one pleases and tips on how to develop artistic techniques and personal voice. Art Club is welcoming of all students, regardless of artistic abilities, and we will be undertaking a number of fun projects to engage the MSMS community throughout the year.
During the spring semester, MSMS’ Asian Student Association hosts the Annual International Culture Fair where students and community members can check out diverse culture displays.
Astronomy Club exists as an opportunity for people to relax and talk about something their shared interests: space!
Blu Diamondz is an all-inclusive performing step team founded upon sisterhood and service. Yes, we’re the girls that stroll and step at the parties! Each year, we accept new members and integrate them into the sisterhood by teaching them old steps and strolls, while also coming up with new ones. Being rooted in service, Blu Diamondz typically participate in several community service projects throughout the school year—when given the opportunity. We strive to emulate the unexplainable bond between the “Divine 9” organizations of the NPHC, so we pride ourselves on being the “sisters” to the boys’ step team, Blu Knightz. In January of 2020, both organizations collaborated to form the inaugural “MSMS Allstars” step team, and we are eager for the “MSMS Allstars” culture to continue. Blu Diamondz look forward to growing the club and accepting new members!
Building Hope on Campus is a place where we strive to foster discussions of theology and find ways to serve our community. If you are a Christian or have any desire in learning more about the Christian faith, please come join us on Wednesday nights!
Film Club is the perfect club for all kinda of film lovers. The club meets and watches a movie that has been picked by either the club presidents/sponsor or voted on by the members. We then get together and watch the movie with everyone else in the club. Then we discuss the movie and share interesting facts that anyone has to share. We watch a wide variety of movies depending on the year and many other elements. There are absolutely no fees to join and club meeting are relaxed and fun.
Future Physicians of America (FPA) is a club for all students who see themselves in the field of medicine and being a physician. This is the club for you if you want to be a physician—and you want to be around other people who want to be physicians as well. This club typically meets on bi-weekly on Wednesday afternoons and discuss pathways to medical school and specific branches of medicine while hearing from people in the field.
Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is all about the community and support system it provides.
The MSMS Fashion Board is a club for all members of MSMS who share a passion for fashion to collaborate with others! We design, produce, and host many fashion events around the school and on social media.
Spirit Club is devoted to spreading spirit across campus. If you like spreading positivity and making others happy, you should join Spirit Squad. Whether it is just spreading cheer or actually cheering, we have a place for you!
Здравствуйте! Welcome to Russian club, here to quench all of your hopelessly romantic and lightly communist desires. In Russian club, we will reinvent our love of music, novels, poetry, and cinematography. There’s so much Soviet Era animation. We will meet twice a month to hang out and celebrate Russia through movies, discussion, and quirky Kahoots. If you’ve ever felt abnormally drawn to wild mushrooms, onion domes, and witches that live in a wooded chicken-legged house to eat children in seclusion, Russian club is the place for you. Comrades, it’s time to join the Motherland. До встречи, and join Russian club!
Shockwave is MSMS’ dance team with a focus on urban/street dance. Shockwave hopes to help its members fully embrace a passion for dance.
This is Tabletop Gaming Club. We allow students to relax by playing board games and hanging out, so if you want a place to decompress or have a bit of friendly competition, this is the place.
Tea Club is a group of students that meet weekly to sip pleasant beverages over lighthearted and thoughtful conversation. Our concern is mental stability and social comfort of the students in our class. We consciously set aside time from our busy schedules to chill and clear our minds, but because of our relaxed nature, there is no obligation for a member to attend each meeting (which we call “parties”). Our members are encouraged to attend when they feel like they need a break.
The Third Self is MSMS’ creative writing podcast!
Hi writers! Creative Writing Club is a safe space for poets, aspiring novelists, comic strip creators, or short story writers alike to share their ideas and receive constructive criticism and strong encouragements. Our goal is to build a community where all types of writers can share their brilliant ideas without fear of judgment and so they could grow as people and as writers. We have plans of participating in many contests, both in and out of our MSMS network, so please join if you are interested. Happy writing!